The Start of a Love Story
It is in 2012 that my love story with Énergie Cardio begun. I was never an active person, and I was shocked when I stepped on the scale. I had tried training in a gym before, but it just was not meant for me. I needed additional motivation. I registered to the Joliette branch to attend group fitness.
Quickly, the gym became like a second home for me. I felt at ease right from the very beginning as a natural closeness with the team quickly evolved. Today, I consider the other members as well as the personnel, like a second family, some of them, like Julie—group fitness instructor—became close friends. However, my spouse considers that the gym is my first home because I spend over 10 hours a week there!
Énergie Cardio, Yes I Do!
In 2015, I said yes to the man of my life surrounded by my close family, and by my Énergie Cardio family. It is with great emotion that I shared that important moment in my life weighing 80 lbs lighter than before, and all this thanks to my continued attendance to group fitness classes and constant efforts. It was important for me to invite my Énergie Cardio family in sharing my happiness. After all, it was a little because of them that I was so proud of my reflection in the mirror on that special day! Looking at the photos of me wearing my wedding dress, carrying a LesMills BODYPUMP bar on my shoulders, surrounded by my Énergie Cardio friends, is such an amazing memory!
Exercising Throughout My Entire Pregnancy
A year after the wedding, I got the news that I was expecting my second daughter. I was so happy, but quitting my workouts was out of the question. Of course, I sometimes had to adapt some moves and exercises, we were even making jokes that I might give birth during a class! It turned out to be almost the case as my waters broke in the middle of a Step class! When I think back to my first birthing experience, I sincerely believe that working out up until the very end greatly helped my pregnancy and the giving birth process. My daughter, Emma, used to do Zumba while she was in my womb! Every time she has a hard time falling asleep, we play LesMills BODYFLOW tracks, and she instantly calms down. Having to take a leave from working out was true torture for me! Even if I wanted to come back after only two days, I waited the recommended four weeks impatiently! Since I started in 2012, nothing could have kept me from working out, and I never thought of my pregnancy as a barrier. As a matter of fact, I felt truly supported and well surrounded by the gang at the gym.
I cannot predict what the next important step of my life will be, but I am convinced of one thing: Énergie Cardio will be there to support me, and that is for sure!